Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Flyers Call On Non-Jews To “Leave the Land”

Jerusalem – Ma'an – [In a demonstration of jewish benevolence toward others] Right-wing ultra-orthodox Jews handed out Arabic fliers calling on "non-Jews to leave the land of Israel," in the streets of Jerusalem on Sunday, witnesses reported.

The fliers, quoting Torah and Qur'an, used scripture to urge Palestinians living in the city to leave.

"The Old Testament says the land of Israel is small and belongs to Jews only. Others are not allowed to stay permanently," the flier read

Jewish exile from ancient Israel was due to a failure of compliance with divine orders, the paper explained, adding "now, after the Jewish people returned to Israel, the people of Israel have complied with divine orders.

"Thus, we ask you to leave the land of Israel in order to guarantee peace in this land. There are verses in the Old Testament and in the Quran that prove this."

The leaflet continued, "After you have seen divine explanations, and as Islam is a religion of manners, you have many countries in which you can live.

You have to understand that we are complying with the orders in the Old Testament, so we suggest you negotiate with Israel to get reimbursement."

Source article can be found here.

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